Suggestions from JT

Suggestions from JT

Hi Amy,

I think you've done an excellent job on your wiki so far, and especially in your introduction. There's so much potential ground to cover with your topic. A few suggestions I have:

  • I was a little confused about this title: "First Repositories, First Definitions" (maybe just me?!); but then I realized what you are trying to convey. Perhaps tweaking this title a little would help (up to you). I understand how this fits under your "Background" heading, but if you are going to expand on this area considerably, maybe you could make this a separate Level 2 section on its own?
  • Also, consider putting "Contemporary Definitions" as a separate "Level 2" heading altogether -- or could it be nested under "Recasting Archives as Place" alongside Post-Custodial thought?
  • This may be beyond the scope of your wiki, but what about a separate section for "Virtual Archives", where you could nest "Online Archives" and speak to the challenges the virtual archive pose to the definition of Archive as a place?

Good job with the pictures


TungJessica (talk)06:38, 6 April 2015

Uh oh, is the logic of my page only clear to me? I'm really trying to keep all of section 1 very broad context. I'll keep your very helpful points in mind as I keep going, but maybe you could take another quick glance at it once it's up and see if it's any clearer once I have some proper text in there? I hope to have that part up soon.

Aren't online archives all virtual archives by definition? What's the difference you see between the two? Either way—check back for more in the online archives section, I touch on a few different 'types'.

AmySpooner (talk)03:29, 7 April 2015