Feedback - Round 1

Feedback - Round 1

Hi Amy,

Sorry for the late message, I've finally managed to read our pod's pages! You have a very thorough outline - I think this page will develop into a really useful resource. I'm looking forward to reading the Case Studies, especially the Riot Grrrl archives one. Like Sarah, I also like that your concept of place for this wiki encompasses online spaces. Will you be discussing archives as place and access and/or privilege?

MarisaParker (talk)00:42, 5 April 2015

Ideas about access will feature in the Riot Grrrl case study and sections I have in mind that touch on different archive spaces as controlled sites of interaction. I hadn't had it in mind to feature hugely beyond that, but will keep it closer to the front of my mind as I keep going. Thanks!

AmySpooner (talk)17:20, 5 April 2015

I just read your updated section on the Riot Grrrl archives case study and I really like the way you presented their approach to access and acknowledgment of privilege. Looks great!

MarisaParker (talk)07:36, 9 April 2015

Thanks! I really enjoyed learning about this case study, too. Highly recommend the article I cited (Keenan and Darms “Safe Space: The Riot Grrrl Collection.” Archivaria 76) if you're in need of summer reading.

AmySpooner (talk)16:05, 9 April 2015