Practice exam #3 - QUESTION 1

Fragment of a discussion from Course talk:APBI200
Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 15:14, 6 April 2020

Additions: Additions of organic matter to the soil or additions that come from groundwater into the soil (ex: saline groundwater adding salts into the soil).

Transformations: Chemical or biological transformations (ex: The transformation of primary minerals and decomposition of organic matter, going from an oxidized to reduced state or vice versa).

Translocations: Movement between the soil profile but matter staying within the soil itself. (ex:Al and Fe leaching from the A horizon into the B horizon). Losses: Leaching. (ex: Salts leaching out into groundwater and leaving the soil). Or physical removal.

Regosolic Order: Juvenile soil, very weakly developed. Most likely close to an unstable terrain (like near a river or an area that gets constant landslides) ← any of these factors would limit their development. No B horizon.

Brunisolic Order: The leaching of soluble salts and carbonates, the formation of iron and aluminum secondary minerals, and the structure development in the finer textured materials different from the original structure of the parent material. Bm Horizon.

Luvisolic Order: The translocation of clay-sized mineral particles from the A to the B horizon.

Gleysolic Order: Develop whenever surface water accumulates (fluctuating water tables).

Chernozemic Order: Develops in grasslands usually, subhumid / aerid climates. *Chernozemic A horizon.

Solonetzic Order: Develop mainly under grass or grass-forest cover within subhumid/subarid climates, on saline parent materials that are high in sodium.

Podzolic Order: Soluble organic matter and mobile compounds of Al and Fe are readily leached from the A horizon into the B horizon where they accumulate or form into a podzolic B horizon.

Organic Order: Developed largely from additions of organic matter.

Cryolsolic Order: Found in northern Canada where permafront exists close to the surface. Under these conditions, soil water in the lower part of the profile remains frozen all year year round, but the upper part or thaws during summer. Susceptible to cryoturbation.

Vertisolic Order: agrilllipedoturbation/mass movement of materials due to shrinkage and swelling of clays during drying/wetting cycles

MirleighaDurwardMcLean (talk)18:49, 3 April 2020