General Course Questions

Hi Diana, according to Maja, "You have to be careful re. making decisions about a soil being a Chernozem, since many soil types will have an Ah horizon. But not every Ah is the Chernozemic Ah (diagnostic horizon. The Chernozemic Ah horizon, need to have several specific properties (e.g., C/<17/1, base satauration >80%, Ca2+ as the dominant ion on the exchange complex)"

DepengR8198uan (talk)03:46, 23 April 2014

Hi Depeng,

Thank you for your reply. The reason I am confused is that the lab. manual says that Regosol is a soil that could not be classified as anything else, but from several Maja's replies to soil order questions it seems that Regosol is primarily a soil with no B horizon. However, say for Gleyesol, we need to have B or C horizon gleyed; but it does not stress that we must have a B horizon of any kind. If so, then can the soil I mentioned above (with Ah and Cg horizons only) be Gleyesol?

DianaVyssokikh (talk)04:05, 23 April 2014