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Reading Assignment

Synthesis of the elements in stars: forty years of progress, George Wallerstein, Icko Iben, , Jr., Peter Parker, Ann Merchant Boesgaard, Gerald M. Hale, Arthur E. Champagne, Charles A. Barnes, Franz Käppeler, Verne V. Smith, Robert D. Hoffman, Frank X. Timmes, Chris Sneden, Richard N. Boyd, Bradley S. Meyer, and David L. Lambert Rev. Mod. Phys. 69, 995 – Published 1 October 1997

Nucleosynthesis periodic table.svg


Elements abundance-bars.svg


Isotopes and half-life.svg






The main location for the s-process is AGB stars. There is also a second component in massive stars that go supernovae, called the weak s-process. The s-process generates neutrons through the following reactions during helium burning,

where the former occurs mainly in AGB stars and the latter in massive stars. The neutrons are captured onto large nuclei in the main process such as Sr and Y and goes to Pb. The weak process starts with Fe and goes to Sr and Y.


The s-process terminates at Pb and Bismuth because of


The s-process is a secondary nucleosynthesis process because it requires that there already be iron present in the star to build up even heavier elements. In the main s-process this means that you have to build a star from material previously in a supernovae and wait until this star becomes an AGB star (one billion years or so) for the nucleosynthesis to occur. Even the weak s-process requires a previous generation but less time because stars can reach the supernovae in just a few million years.





There are several nuclei that cannot be produced by adding neutrons to stable nuclei. Many of these are known as p-nuclei and whatever makes them is known generically as the p-process.


Some possibilities are the γ-process, the ν-process and the rp-process.




Rapid Proton Capture.svg

Cosmic-Ray Spallation

Where stuff gets made



  1. For elements with atomic numbers less than that of calcium, the most abundant isotope of each element with an even number of protons has Z=N, e.g. 4He, 12C, 16O, 40Ca, ... and those with odd proton numbers, N, Na, Al ... have Z nearly equal to N. When one goes to heavier nuclei however there is a surplus of neutrons in the most abundant isotopes; iron-56 has 26 protons and 30 neutrons. Explain both these trends why light nuclei have Z about equal to N while heavy nuclei have Z less than N.
  2. Why is combination of a single neutron and a single proton stable but two protons is not?
  3. Calculate the energy released in erg/g when a composition of pure helium burns to pure carbon-12 and to 50/50 carbon-12 and oxygen 16. What is the energy released when each of these mixtures is burned to Nickel-56? In both cases how much nickel has to be made to produce 1051 erg?
  4. The neutron capture cross sections at 30 keV for the stable isotopes of barium are 130Ba, 715 mb 132Ba, 447mb, 134Ba, 221 mb 135Ba, 457 mb, 136Ba, 69 mb, 137Ba, 57 mb, and 138Ba, 3.9 mb. The s-only isotopes of barium are 134 and 136 and the nuclear charge is 56. a) Why is the cross section of 135Ba greater than that of 134Ba or 136Ba? Why is the cross section of 138Ba so small? What do you expect for the solar ratio of the abundance of 134Ba to that of 136Ba? Your discussion should at least mention why reactions with large releases of energy have large cross-sections.