Template:Infobox Torts

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Tort Law
Dignitary Torts
DefamationDiscriminationHarassmentIntentional infliction of mental sufferingInvasion of privacyTrespass to the person
Property Torts
Interference with goodsInterference with landPrivate nuisancePublic nuisance
Negligence Tort
Duty of careBreach of dutyDamageCausationRemoteness
Negligence Categories
EmploymentEnvironmental pollutionHarmful productsHosting patrons and guestsInfliction of mental injury • Misrepresentation • Occupation of premisesProfessional servicesPublic authorities • Relational economic loss • Rescuers • Shoddy goods or structures • Treatment of indigenous childrenUnborn children
Dishonesty & Abuse of Position Torts
Abuse of processBreach of confidenceConspiracyFraudInducing breach of contractInjurious falsehoodIntimidationMalicious prosecutionMisfeasance in public officePassing offSpoliationUnlawful interference with economic interests
Strict Liability
Keeping dangerous animalsNon-natural use of landUltrahazardous activitiesVicarious liability
Apportionment of liabilityConsentDefamation defencesDefence of propertyDenialsExcusesIllegalityLegal authorityLimitationNecessitySelf-defence
ApologiesDamagesInjunctionsInsuranceLegal costsMitigationProprietary
Tort Law & Legal Systems
Charter valuesClass actionsConcurrent actionsConstitutional tortsIndigenous dispute resolutionNo-fault compensation schemes
Tort Theory
Instrumental theoriesConstructive theoriesCritical theoriesReflexive theory
Study Resources
1L strategyAnswer exercisesQuizzesBeswick's course site