
From UBC Wiki

Use the create_zams inlist to make a zero age main sequence for 47 Tucanae. In the process you will run a series of stars through the pre-main sequence for the 47 Tuc metallicity. From these models plot the protostars on a theoretical ( vs ) and observational H-R diagram ( vs ) for several masses: 0.2, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 2, 5, 8, 15 solar masses. How long do protostars of different masses take to reach the main sequence?

Using the output of the MESA runs, indicate the following on your H-R diagrams:

  1. the time to reach a given position along the track
  2. the onset of nuclear burning (say when the nuclear luminosity is one tenth of the ZAMS luminosity)
  3. the formation of the radiative core (how can you figure this out?).

How does the shape of the track of a low mass star differ from a higher mass star? At what mass is the transition? What does this mean?