Template:APBI200 Review Intro

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APBI200 Bonus Assignment: Review and Reflect

Please post a short reflection on the materials presented in SoilWeb200, and how effective they were at supporting your learning in APBI 200. We are also looking for creative ideas and suggestions to enhance this e-textbook. Your reflection piece (250 words maximum, paragraph form) can focus on answering one of the following questions:

  • What aspect of the SoilWeb200 e-textbook could be improved to help you better learn the material covered in APBI 200? Focus on one or two specific units in the SoilWeb200 e-textbook.
  • Read through the “Soil Science” article on Wikipedia (link TBD, or perhaps provide several options? i.e., soil potassium cycle, soil organic matter, soil compaction, etc.). How does this compare to the equivalent unit in the SoilWeb200 e-textbook? What information is easier to understand and why? How would you suggest to improve the Wikipedia material?
  • What is another soil science learning resource on the web that you found useful to learn concepts in APBI 200? It could be a website, book, video, etc. Please post it, include the author and source, and explain why you found it helpful.

To complete this assignment:

1. Add the following content after the equals sign:

  • URL= The link to the page/article you reviewed.
  • Date= Date the article was published
  • Authors= Authors of the article
  • Summary= Answer to one of the Questions 1, 2 or 3 in instructions above.

2. Hit Save