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Comment003:26, 21 March 2018
Comment000:02, 11 November 2017

Great topic you've chosen! I really appreciate all the biological and scientific background you have provided on abortions, which really gives context and insight to someone who may not know a lot about them. I do feel as though most of it can be condensed, giving you more room to perhaps discuss issues like stigma surrounding abortions, different cultural and societal perspectives, and a discussion on the lack of health care services for women and how they can be improved.

BabitaBanger (talk)03:26, 21 March 2018

Wow! You have done a lot of great research on this topic and it is very well written. I wonder if you can relate more to material from class? I think it would be really interesting to maybe hear about the ways in which miscarriage is moralized in society and feminist debates over women's choice and autonomy in healthcare treatment after a miscarriage.

BrittanyTurville (talk)00:02, 11 November 2017