Talk:The Medicalization of Addiction

From UBC Wiki


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Suggestion018:49, 3 August 2016


I like that your wiki page is very detailed and easy to read. It was very interesting to see how the images played out and gave a better perspective of addiction. On another note, since this is a class that involves topics about gender, perhaps it may be interesting to read about how addiction is different in men and in women. Perhaps triggers for addiction are different between men and women. Thus it would have been interesting to see real-life examples from a woman and a man's perspective of their own experience with addiction.

Does addiction vary depending on one's culture or social class? For example, perhaps if one is from a lower social class then there are more life struggles, which may cause a start in addiction to drugs as a gateway from the life struggles.

MariaLauraAramayo (talk)18:49, 3 August 2016