Talk:The Medicalization Of Depression

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Side Effects023:42, 3 August 2018

Side Effects

Hi there!

I thought your article was very well written and researched. One thing you may want to expand on is the harmful side effects of antidepressants on the patients themselves. This in itself is far worse than big pharmaceutical companies profiting off overprescribing drugs. Antidepressants are very hard to get off of once the patient has been taking them for an extended period of time. The side effects of stopping the consumption of antidepressants cold turkey can put the patient in a worse place than they were prior to taking the antidepressants. In my opinion this is the main problem with being too quick to prescribe people antideppresants, when their cases may not be severe enough to warrant that sort of treatment. I also think it would be interesting if you mentioned alternative treatments to depression. If you are condemning the over-prescribing of antidepressants, an alternative solution should be offered.

NadavDinur (talk)23:42, 3 August 2018