Talk:Sexual Objectification

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Addition of topics019:49, 5 December 2014
Small Addition023:22, 3 December 2014
Suggestion!019:11, 23 November 2014
Vegan Feminism023:02, 16 November 2014

Addition of topics


Great work! I am going to be linking my wiki page on Post-Feminism to some of the points you made here. Very well written and referenced. I think you can really expand this topic to discuss not only the feminist debate on sexual objectification, but also a discussion of males and sexual objectification. I also think expanding your page from just theories of feminism to actual influences of sexual objectification in media, pop culture and daily life. A section on Media and Sexual Objectification with topics such as: Magazine Covers and Commercials. A section on Pop Culture focusing on Sexual Objectification in Music, Sexual Objectification in Television and Sexual Objectification in Film. Lastly, a section on Societal Debates of Sexual Objectification such as prostitution and exotic dancing, not just pornography.

RexFenton (talk)19:48, 5 December 2014

Small Addition


Great read! Your wiki is extremely well written and your references are one of the most organized I have seen through this class's wikis.

I had such enjoyment reading your wiki I wanted to read more. Perhaps (if you have time before the dead line) you could think about expanding into another large heading for your wiki page. I don't have any specific suggestions, for you are more of an expert on the topic, but reading some of the other suggestions in the discussion sound like great ideas if you are interested and have time.

SpencerBritten (talk)23:22, 3 December 2014



I enjoyed reading your wiki page on Sexual objectification! I interesting segment to your wiki page would be discussing the representations of Aboriginal women and their sexuality within the media and colonial discourse. This can be done in a small heading. Good work!

BipinGoldsmith (talk)19:11, 23 November 2014

Vegan Feminism


Your page looks great! If you're interested, you could extend your discussion of "sexual objectification" onto non-human animals as well. Why are chickens, cows and pigs anthropomorphized in advertising and sexualized to appeal to men? Give "sexist meat ads" a google and be shocked, Burger King especially has some deploring ads in terms of sexual objectification. My wiki site is on Vegan Feminism, a movement dedicated to stop the exploitation of female bodies cross-species. Have a look if you're interested, some of the info may be relevant for your entry!

RebeccaRupke (talk)23:02, 16 November 2014