Talk:Relevance Of Baby Tossing In Todays World

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Image Format 007:44, 30 November 2019
Evolution of the ritual in the last 700 years107:17, 30 November 2019

Image Format

Hi, I found your topic to be really unique. I have a couple suggestion in terms of formatting. When you're including images, it should be a little more clear on which section is the picture relevant in. It would be more clear to users if you can expand on why this ritual is getting banned - on top of the efforts made to address it. Also, you can also expand more on how this ties in with social justice, changing cultural norms, and other themes of our course.

PengchengFang (talk)07:44, 30 November 2019

Evolution of the ritual in the last 700 years

Rather than making this it's own section, you should give the section a heading (title) which can remain "Evolution of the ritual in the last 700 years" but move it up to being a subheading under history. It's a little jumpy going from history to current to evolution. History to ec=volution to current would have a better flow and it will only take 2 seconds to change.

AlexandraLazarou (talk)07:16, 30 November 2019

Also, I LOVE your topic! Super interesting!

AlexandraLazarou (talk)07:17, 30 November 2019