Talk:Rape Culture in India

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Imperative Topic017:46, 31 July 2018
Important and Interesting Topic 013:53, 28 July 2018
Comments003:07, 28 July 2018
Unique Topic021:11, 25 July 2018
Interesting Topic 022:59, 22 July 2018

Imperative Topic

I think this is such an imperative topic to discuss, and really like how you discussed that rape culture- in this case in India in particular- exists because of patriarchal gender ideals, and because women have always been seen as being below men. This in part, as well as other factors, leads to rape culture being perpetuated. I also found it extremely insightful of you to compare your topic to The Handmaid's Tale, and how you tied in the state controlling women's bodies as well as "typical" gender roles and gender norms. I think your example for intersectionality - the girl who was deaf and vulnerable as well as raped- was significant.

SaraSebba (talk)17:46, 31 July 2018

Important and Interesting Topic

This page is very well-done as it defines rape culture and describes its prevalence in India in much detail. I like how there is a section dedicated on connecting the subject to intersectionality since it provides an even greater understanding to such a complex and important issue. One suggestion I have is to perhaps change the title of the second heading "Rape Culture in India" to "Social Perspective on Rape Culture" or something of the like because the whole page is about rape culture in India and making the heading more specific could help the reader quickly understand what the section is about and improve the general structure of the page. Overall, very descriptive and thoroughly researched page.

JennyKim1 (talk)13:53, 28 July 2018

I found you wiki page to be very descriptive, will no grammar/spelling mistakes and quite interesting. Your topics used to bring around this idea of rape culture was very well thought out! I was intrigued to learn more about this topic and the events that occur still in the present. I also really liked how you tied in common themes of intersectionality with what we have been working on in the course with the books we've been reading. Thank you!

SaraSamani (talk)03:07, 28 July 2018

Unique Topic

I felt that this was a very interesting and crucial topic to discuss. I am glad that you brought it up. I think that you made some very important and intelligent points. I felt that the connection of the Handmaid’s Tale to rape culture was very well thought out, and it fit perfectly. I think that the examples you used helped solidify your points. You could add more examples for readers to better understand the situation and put them together, but I think that it does a good job bringing the point across.

KomalMudher (talk)21:11, 25 July 2018

Interesting Topic

I found your topic to be interesting and unique. I found your examples to be well chosen and relevant to rape culture. I felt as though the flow of your content was interrupted by separating the two examples. May I suggest putting your example together, and then your reference to the Handmaid’s tale after and/or other modern culture references you may have. I also recommended having pictures. I know this topic may be tricky finding pictures for, but I feel as though it would provide your wiki page with an extra bit of content and help brake up the text.

CierraSkov (talk)22:59, 22 July 2018