Talk:Queer Masculinity

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Examples002:54, 5 December 2019
Suggestions and Compliments000:19, 30 November 2019
Including pictures?019:25, 29 November 2019
Compliments and Suggestions101:12, 29 November 2019
Suggestion004:06, 28 November 2019


I found your page to be informative and easy to follow along with. It broke down the term queer in a way that anyone could easily understand, and I like how you provided statistics to supplement the page. My only suggestion is to maybe have included more specific examples of, for example, femme queer women being dismissed of their sexuality. Great job!

AnnisaSimao (talk)02:54, 5 December 2019

Suggestions and Compliments

Hi there! I found your page really engaging and thought provoking. The definitions you provided were very helpful and furthered the information you provided. I thought that you could use a few more examples, perhaps from media or examples in every day life, of who is presented as feminine or masculine, therefore giving us a clear idea of the image you are trying to portray. It also might be effective to provide more examples of the relationships formed through toxic queer masculinity, maybe some of the side effects of this toxicity. Thank you for your contribution!

DelaneyMcBride (talk)00:19, 30 November 2019

Including pictures?

Hello! I find it effective that you clearly defined the term “Queer” in your first paragraph as it is a term commonly used, but not commonly clearly defined. I also liked how you included real statistics such as the survey in 2017 as it works to solidify your ideas: great addition! If possible, I believe adding pictures, graphs or other visuals would add to your page. Thanks for sharing!

AumberRai (talk)19:25, 29 November 2019

Compliments and Suggestions

Hi there! I found your work very interesting and your attention to detail is very impressive. I would suggest adding something about modern-day queer masculinity, that way it would be easier for people to understand what you are saying if you relate it to something well-known. Also, I would suggest referencing some well-know celebrities that open up about their queer masculinity or use them as examples. Though your attention to detail is very good, maybe it would help readers if you explain your argument in a way that is easier to understand. I think you are really knowledgable about the topic, and make a good argument about queer masculinity!

MaryTichelman (talk)22:59, 28 November 2019

Hi, thanks for your response! Could you expand more on the modern-day queer masculinity? I find that queer masculinity differs for queer men and for queer women, and they also serve different purposes - masculinity is used to determine queer men's attractiveness (which could be the "Queer as a superficial standard" section), while it is a signifier that a queer woman is queer. The idea is, masculinity is valued more in a heteronormative and heteropatriarchal society, but it's also valued more within queer communities, although the idea to be queer (both in linguistics and in the emphasis on individuality and being non-normative in the queer community) contradicts with that.

MaggieWong (talk)01:12, 29 November 2019


Hey, I love your opening paragraph on the etymology of queerness and how it relates to masculinity, I'm excited to read the rest! I know this is just a draft so far, but I noticed that you only have the definition of queer as "not heterosexual". You could also include the definition of queer as "not cisgender". When you state that "heteronormativity and heteropatriarchy prioritize masculinity over femininity", I think it would be more impactful if you had some source for that statement or examples in popular culture that show why that statement is true. Also, I think a section about trans men / transmasculine people would be very interesting if that's something you would like to write about.

LiaPennefather (talk)04:06, 28 November 2019