Talk:Police Violence in Indigenous Communities

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Feedback019:46, 23 March 2018
Comments022:43, 20 March 2018
Feedback017:42, 20 March 2018
Feedback006:49, 18 March 2018

Hello, I really enjoyed your topic. In your introduction I would define what the Indian Act is and its effects. Under perpetuating racism, I would expand on what stereotypes you’re referring to. I would also use an example case of a starlight tour, because I think this is very relevant and explanatory of your topic. I would include and expand on the causes of police violence in Indigenous communities, as i don’t think you’ve included intersectionality. I would also include possible implications and effects or movements working to fix this or raise awareness.

AvaBelanger (talk)19:46, 23 March 2018

With the current climate today this is such an important topic to write about! I think all the information you have right now is great, easy to read, and flows very nicely. You also have so many sources which is really great. Something I would add to this article would be issues around the incarceration of Indigenous peoples, and their over representation in the jail system. I would also probably add some more background information regarding colonization and how there is still major effects today.

MadisenButterfield (talk)22:43, 20 March 2018

Hello, Thank you for writing in regards to a topic related to Indigenous Communities. I do believe that with the Tina Fontaine story that the police should have ensured Tina's safety first before leaving her on her own especially after witnessing her a vehicle with an older man intoxicated. I do feel the title of the wiki page through me off, as I personally thought the writing would be about how Indigenous individuals are either harming police or police physically harming the indigenous community. I also feel that we can bring a little more background information on Indigenous communities themselves and how segregated the government depicts them, I think this is important to show as it will help readers visualize the from the Indigenous communities point of view.

MiltonChan (talk)17:42, 20 March 2018

I really appreciate your wiki topic on this important issue. Unfortunately, it has taken many cases like Tina Fontaine's story, for individuals to become aware of this systemic issue. I would like to suggest perhaps looking into and considering including information regarding the "Highway of Tears" in B.C. It is a long-stretch of highway where many Indigenous women have been murdered or have gone missing. Some brief information can be found here: Additionally, I believe the title of your wiki may require some clarification. As a reader, I thought that your wiki would focus on police violence within Indigenous communities, but after reading it, it seems like your wiki focuses on how the problem is the lack of police initiative and governmental response to this pressing issue.

RudiaNam (talk)06:49, 18 March 2018