Talk:Jeju Island Refugee Crisis in South Korea

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Very Interesting Topic014:22, 28 July 2018
Jeju Island021:45, 26 July 2018
Great topic019:24, 26 July 2018
Interesting Topic021:13, 25 July 2018

Very Interesting Topic

I found your page to be very well-researched and thorough especially with the objections to Yemeni refugees in South Korea. I like the intersectional perspective take on the issue with xenophobia and islamophobia in relations to the topic. One suggestion I have is to perhaps provide more detail in how the Yemeni refugees are living and supporting themselves in the meantime. I know you mentioned the work they are able to do under the decision of the province of Jeju but maybe adding in some details to the housing and day to day lifestyle they have would help gain a better understanding of their situation on Jeju island, if there is any information available on that. Overall very educational and interesting page.

JennyKim1 (talk)14:22, 28 July 2018

Jeju Island

I was just wondering, what is different about Jeju island over the rest of Korea? Are they considered to be more tolerant? Great topic, really interesting and something I had never heard of before.

LauraStewart1 (talk)21:45, 26 July 2018

Great topic

Your page provides insightful information relating to the ongoing predicament of Yemeni refugees. This relates to an extremely dire issue in the world which is the refugee crisis from the Middle East. South Korea is also a principal supporter of the Responsibility to Protect, an international mandate in assessing whether states have a responsibility to intervene in dire international situations. So it is rather hypocritical of South Korea's negative few of Yemeni refugees (just as it is for many countries in the world).

While your historical information is fascinating and important, it seems to take up much space that is required for intersectional analysis. I suggest (as Komal did earlier) expanding your analysis on xenophobia and islamophobia and summarizing parts of the historical elements on the page. To explore a more intersectional lens in this topic, it might be worthwhile to explore the predominantly male refugee demographic, and how this has affected Yemeni refugee discrimination in conjunction with an Islamic, Yemeni identity.

NathanBirnbaum (talk)19:24, 26 July 2018

Interesting Topic

I think that this topic is very interesting and unique. There was a lot of historical information about the topic that lay the ground-work, especially if someone did not know about this crisis. I felt that the history, however, took away from the main point, which is xenophobia and islamophobia. It might be better to focus on this aspect more, and explain the effect of these feelings to these refugees. Has there been any retaliation?

KomalMudher (talk)21:13, 25 July 2018