Talk:Indigenous Youth Under the Care of Child Services

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Peer Comment: Include Intersectionality006:23, 1 August 2019
Comment006:45, 27 July 2019
Peer Comment: Emphasis on Outcomes123:04, 25 July 2019

Peer Comment: Include Intersectionality


thank you for trying to tackle such a deep and heavy subject that is a very real reality to many Indigenous youth and their families today. I appreciate how you didn't put too much emphasis on the general statistics of the situation, but rather focused on the qualitative data that you could find on this subject. I think this is a clever and kind way to deal with such a sensitive topic. I also appreciate your brief summary on the Sixties Scoop; and how problematic that system was for pushing the assimilative agenda of cultural genocide. However, I do believe that you could have maybe focused a bit more on the intersectionality of this content, and asked who this discrimination favoured, and who it put at risk. However, it was a very powerful read nonetheless. Good Job!

VerukahPoirier (talk)06:23, 1 August 2019

Hi, I enjoyed reading the content. It was very informative as you provided a lot of statistics. Perhaps, I would provide more of a clear sub heading or outline of the experiences and complications of each individual groups to connect to the course content through an intersectional lens. As this will make it easier to process the information in a quick and effective way. I am looking forward to reading the final content. Thanks!

VictoriaKoong (talk)06:45, 27 July 2019

Peer Comment: Emphasis on Outcomes

Hi, this is a very heavy topic, but I think that it is really important to discuss. Overall, your article is very informative as it expands on incidences of child removal among Indigenous populations in Canada. In line with your point in the article, my knowledge on Indigenous child removal was limited to the operation of Indian Residential Schools, but this sheds a lot of knowledge on other cases of separating families. Usually when I read an article like this, I am very interested in seeing what the outcomes and implications are. For this article, I think it would really strengthen your content to have a section that outlines the outcomes and implications of removing children from their families, especially those outcomes that may be different from what we know about family separations due to Indian Residential Schools. This is a fascinating topic and I am glad to have read it and learned something new.

DanKim1 (talk)21:11, 25 July 2019

Thank you for your input. I will try to add a section on the results of the Sixties scoop, and make it clearer that the overrepresentation of Aboriginal children in the cold welfare system today is one result of the sixties scoop.

SiyiLei (talk)23:04, 25 July 2019