Talk:Hegemonic Masculinity

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Suggestions for Page Clarity 019:57, 5 April 2016

Suggestions for Page Clarity


I think this page talks about an idea that is important to differentiate and define clearly from other related concepts like patriarchy and sexism in general. The page could benefit from some more focused explanation of the main topic, and maybe further incorporation of the relevant terminology that it lists. It would help to emphasize the relationship between hegemonic masculinity and heteronormativity, homophobia, etc. Another interesting addition could be academic positions that try to discredit the idea of hegemonic masculinity. Since "masculinity" has no fixed meaning there are bound to be critics of any theory that tries to define it, even if only to highlight its position in relation to other gendered norms.

ParvejSidhu (talk)19:57, 5 April 2016