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A Few Suggestions102:54, 2 March 2019

A Few Suggestions

However, following his death, an entirely different route is approached to China’s surge in population growth” Since you were previously writing in the past tense it would sound better if you switched “is for “was” as it would flow nicely with the rest of your paragraph. The same can be said for “It switches from the mindset of more people being a good thing, to more people being a deterrent for the nation.” By changing “switches” to “switched.”

Adding the word “subsequently” in front of “There was a serious family planning campaign that began in China in 1971” would connect your previous statement to this sentence and provide better flow. Your previous statement talks about population growth, and this next sentence functions to answer what actions were done to solve the problem, so it would be good to start with a leading word that connects the two as a problem and solution.

In the paragraph where you talk about the propaganda concerning the one-child policy, it may be worth adding an image of a propaganda poster. This will add some context and also improve the aesthetic layout for your page. I would even suggest adding a couple more images or graphs of other topics.

It may be worth slightly changing “no child” in the title “Plans for the Future: No Child Policy” for future readers that like to skim wiki pages. When I first read this title, my initial impression was that future plans for China would include a policy that would allow no children. I of course realized I was ridiculous and wrong when I read the first sentence of your paragraph, so it may just be me.

Lastly, I would recommend adding a couple more sources. Although the three you currently have are credible, more sources ensures your wiki page is more credible by having done thorough research and provides readers with access to different types of information.

MeganBalinowski (talk)16:46, 1 March 2019

Awesome, really appreciate the reply. Meaningful comments that will certainly help my page flow better. Many thanks!

LiamMahara (talk)02:54, 2 March 2019