Talk:GRSJ224/Rise of Islamophobia in Europe

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Comments019:17, 23 March 2018

Hi! Thank you for this informative blog post on a really important topic. I think you effectively explained some of the roots of Islamophobia and highlighted how this is a problem that has existed in communities pre 9/11. Also, I liked how you specified how Islamophobia changed after this particular event, and how it is currently reflected in laws in the EU. You mention briefly at the end how the headscarf ban affects women, and I think it's worth adding a couple more sentences on how the politics surrounding this topic are more than just Islamophobic - there's a gendered element towards "protecting" Muslim women from their own faith. Moreover, I think it's worth elaborating a bit more on how the media portrays Muslims, and how this contrasts to how white supremacists are portrayed when they are the perpetrators of terrorism. Lastly, I think it's worth formatting your page with the Wikipedia headlines and including an introduction as well.

EmilyMichelin (talk)19:17, 23 March 2018