
From UBC Wiki


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Data 002:52, 3 December 2018
References/citations022:25, 2 December 2018

Hey there, really enjoyed your wiki post and found the content to be excellent in terms of depth, apart from the readability issues that George mentioned with regards to the references, I would have liked to see if there were any statistics with regards to the mental health issues caused by views on masculinity. It certainly would be interesting to see if there is a correlation between the two in terms of data.

ChristianWilkerson (talk)02:52, 3 December 2018


Fascinating post! My feedback here isn't about content, more just about making the article more readable. You use a lot of direct quotations, which is good in many senses, but I think the volume and density of quotations in this article is too high. If you summarize the points of scholars, and weave them into a coherent paragraph, the reader will be able to follow the ideas better. Scholars use jargon and high-level language which isn't always the clearest for a general public audience. Consider taking the main ideas from each quote and choosing to rephrase say half of them in your own words. Your readers will appreciate it!

Also, I don't you need to do citations like (Che, __) in this article because you are already using footnotes.

GeorgeRadner (talk)22:25, 2 December 2018