Talk:GRSJ224/Indigenous resistance to extractivist projects

From UBC Wiki


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Comment006:39, 27 July 2019
Your Wiki006:23, 23 July 2019

Hi, Looks like you have a good start on the headings. The topics that are going to be discussed talks a lot about the resistance and I am looking forward to reading about the implications. Perhaps, I would also include how those projects would also affect the society in an intersectional point of view. I am looking forward to reading your final content. thanks!

VictoriaKoong (talk)06:39, 27 July 2019

Looks like you have the structure all organized.I like the structure and the manner in which you have actually organized your Wiki pages. I look forward to reading your content.

SiyiLei (talk)06:23, 23 July 2019