Talk:GRSJ224/Feminism in Disney

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Feedback000:31, 2 August 2018
Interesting Topic004:46, 29 July 2018
Suggestion002:53, 28 July 2018
Can't wait to read this page!019:35, 27 July 2018
Great Idea!!015:54, 27 July 2018
Exciting!002:21, 27 July 2018
Great topic!002:19, 26 July 2018
Such Potential!020:41, 25 July 2018
Feminism in Disney007:56, 24 July 2018

I feel like this is a great topic to delve into, especially due to the paradigm shift in Disney movies nowadays. I completely agree with your claim that Disney has had the tendency to portray misogynistic themes in their movies, particularly with their portrayal of the "Disney Princesses" e.g. Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Cinderella depicted as "damsels in distress" and having to be rescued or saved by a prince. I feel like it is just as important to mention how Disney movies have tried to be more mindful in their portrayal of gender norms and feminism with movies such as "Frozen" and "Moana" providing female characters with more empowering roles.

AbdelrahmanMegahid (talk)00:31, 2 August 2018

Interesting Topic

I think you have a great start to your Wiki Page and an interesting topic that many of us can understand. Since Disney is a large part of our childhood, I am interested to see some of the concerns from previous Disney generations and the resolutions that Disney has come up with to show gender equality in their films. I think it would be very interesting to compare old Disney films to newer ones and see how these themes has changed.

ZhangChan (talk)04:46, 29 July 2018


Like others, I am really excited to read your finished work! What a fun topic to touch on. I think it would be interesting to also view this topic through an intersectional lens, considering how constructs such as race, social class, etc plays into this as well (e.g. in The Princess and the Frog)

MerriTan (talk)02:53, 28 July 2018

Can't wait to read this page!

I am looking forward to reading this finished wiki page! There are so many different directions to take this topic, but I believe it would be very interesting to look at how Disney has adapted over the years to incorporate feminist discussions. When watching current Disney movies you can tell that they have tried to make the female characters take on less traditional feminine roles and be appreciated for their brains rather than simply their beauty. Traditional Disney movies tend to have a female character, the princess, saved in some way by a male character, the prince. It is great to see the company move away from this and would love to read more about it in your wiki page!

OliviaEdwards (talk)19:35, 27 July 2018

Great Idea!!

I am also interested in seeing where your page ends up! This is such an interesting topic that I have only recently been able to study so I look forward to educating myself more about it by reading you final page. Great job on the summary.

KylaLeSage (talk)15:54, 27 July 2018

I'm very excited to see where this is headed. I really hope you add in the changes that Disney has tried to make (both with their new movies and their merchandise and brand as a whole) including their continuous short-comings. Of course, keeping in consideration that when a lot of these stories were created there was very little room for controversial topics in children's cartoons.

FarzadDaei (talk)02:21, 27 July 2018

Great topic!

Yes! I'm so excited to read the rest of your page when it's finished. I studied sexism in Disney movies in one of my classes last semester and absolutely loved learning about it. I also really like, how in your summary, you mentioned sexism in both males and females in Disney.

I'm wondering if your definition of Disney is broad enough to include Star Wars & Marvel, which I feel might be an interesting add-on!

Cool topic!

NaimaMansuri (talk)02:19, 26 July 2018

Such Potential!

I can see this isn't done yet, but the topic is so interesting and your topics and subtopics look really good so far! :)

EmilyBalayewich (talk)20:41, 25 July 2018

Feminism in Disney

I see you have found a very interesting topic about Disney. Even though the page is incomplete, the summary is nicely done. I think you are on the right track after looking at your subtopics. Putting more emphasis on how gender norms would affect children's expectations on male and female would be very interesting to see. I am looking forward to your finished work. Keep it up!

JinHungLui (talk)07:56, 24 July 2018