Talk:GRSJ224/Criminalization of Indigenous People in Canada

From UBC Wiki


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Feedback006:15, 2 March 2019
Feedback004:16, 1 March 2019

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this Wiki page! It was extremely informative and well written. I think that you effectively conveyed your message! Specifically, I liked your points about starlight tours. The Starlight tours have been justified by police officers and the colonial state who continue to perpetuate the notion that Indigenous people are inherently criminal therefore excessive force is needed. However, as you have pointed out the Starlight tours are a prime example of how complicit Canada is in continuing to allow state-sanctioned violence to continue towards indigenous communities.

WanyanaKalanzi (talk)06:15, 2 March 2019

I really enjoyed reading this Wiki page! I believe this is an incredibly important topic and that these issues must be brought to light and understood by the wider population. Specifically, I believe it's extremely valuable to discuss intergenerational trauma in the context of the experience of Aboriginal Canadians as a biological phenomenon that is carried through multiple generations as opposed to a single imagined experience by individuals in the Aboriginal community. I know you're still completing your page and finishing the details below some of the headers, but I think everything looks super good so far. One thing that I would maybe adjust would be clarifying the statistics you provided and perhaps giving context as to when they were taken, what they represent and where they are coming from. Everything looks amazing so far, though!

GabrielaMarkman (talk)04:16, 1 March 2019