Talk:Female Protest Against the Sexual Violence

From UBC Wiki


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Thanks for sharing, suggestions! 005:52, 3 December 2018
Categorization 001:58, 3 December 2018
linking topic001:56, 3 December 2018

Thanks for sharing, suggestions!


I enjoyed reading all the examples of global female protests against sexual violence. It is alarming to read about the stories and the different protests and approaches they have taken to advocate for female rights.

I would suggest that you include an introduction to give readers a better understanding of the bigger picture, such as, why this is an issue or how did these protests become a widespread issue in our global society.

I have personally done some research about sexual assault in North America, i.e. Canada, for my Wiki page, and am aware that they appear to be one of the most active nations that have fought against sexual assault, especially for females, for years, and especially at our current generation too! There's a great amount of information you could source about how the US and Canada have battled for female sexual rights and sexual assault, I think it would be interesting for you to explore and include in your page!

Great job and thanks for sharing!

AdrienneLui (talk)05:52, 3 December 2018


I think your topic is very interesting especially as you outlines three different feminist movements in three different countries. I think you could have added additional information about Current/past movements in North American and/or how they relate to those overseas. Additionally, I think adding some pictures would have made you rWiki Entry a little bit more engaging! Overall your Wiki Page was very informative and interesting!

SharonMichaeli (talk)01:58, 3 December 2018

linking topic

hi I noticed your linking topic on the grsj board doesn't quite relate to the topic at large. You might want to change that to reflect the topic. Otherwise I like that you included the #thisisnotconsent campaign. I know that there have been some recent advancements in the campaign and it could be really helpful if you included some of those!

EmilyPaterson (talk)01:56, 3 December 2018