
From UBC Wiki

Hi there, i found your definition of eugenics to be very clear and concise. The way you started off by deconstructing the root of the word itself adds an extra layer of meaning to the harmful history (and lasting repercussions) eugenics leaves in its wake. The subjectivity of perfection that eugenics supports is a product of racially privileged feelings which perpetuate prejudicial notions of race and stigmatization- which i also found to be really well outlined in this piece.


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Feedback008:37, 22 March 2018
Peer Feedback 020:30, 20 March 2018


I thought your page is nicely laid out and flows from topic to topic really well. A couple of things that would be helpful to add, in "Feeble-mindedness", I think it would be nice to add how they standardized feeble-mindedness or would that be case by case based on the specific eugenicists? Another thing is under Eugenics in Practice, how popular was eugenics among the people and what was the procedure in finding someone who was feeble-minded. Would people write to the board to notify them of feeble-minded people or did they travel around to look for these people? These are some of the questions that came to me when reading your article. You can also add whether or not Eugenics is practiced in current day Canada as Cony suggested below.

Tavy Wu

TingWeiWu (talk)08:37, 22 March 2018

Peer Feedback

Hi, The topic of eugenics is fascinating and the wiki page is clear and easy to follow. The structure provides a good layout that efficiently illustrates the subject. The timelines are helpful in allowing the reader to understand the development of the ideology. It might be useful to include how this ideology and practice is still relevant in today’s society. It can also be suitable to add how the social movement and idea of eugenics place certain social groups at a disadvantage and further enhances negative attitude towards these minority groups or how it can increase the power of already privilege people.

ConyYauXu (talk)20:30, 20 March 2018