
From UBC Wiki


Just what in the name of the Living God is going on?

I created this page and its content, "08:39, 2 June 2010"

Why has Mr. Scott McMillan destroyed my work?

Oh, right, that's how the people employed by the University work---no supervision, they just do whatever they please without right and without judgement.

Exactly what right allows you to destroy my Wiki page and then lock it? Because you have access to the computer system? Power is not the same thing as Right, Scott. Show cause for your evil, or undo it.


Had to remove for Arts namespace. This wiki uses namespaces to organize content like Documentation, Courses etc. You can re-create your arts page using a different title.

--ScottMcMillan 14:30, 21 June 2010 (UTC)


Non-responsive. "Had to"? Obvious nonsense. You did so because you chose to do so; if you are suggesting that someone above you commanded you to do so, what is his name?

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