
From UBC Wiki

Title CPSC 312 Project 1 Sudoku Creator Solver


Frederic Alexandre HAYEK

Tushar Kalra

What is the problem?

We are creating a Sudoku Creator which will prompt the user for a level of difficulty and then output a Sudoku of that level for the user to solve. . It can also give hints to the user.

What is the something extra?

As we will be giving hints to the user we would also have to implement an algorithm to solve the Sudoku. Creating a Sudoku with different levels of difficulty would be the challenging part of the project.

What did we learn from doing this?

We could only implement the Sudoku Solver and were not able to implement the creator, given more time we would have been able to do that. We spend quite a bit of time learning and relearning Haskell, the change from thinking procedural to functionally and implementing that to solve the Soduko was challenging. Some of the soduko's that we tried to solve took a long time and we were trying to make it more effective in that. We learned that if we compile the file first using ghc and then try to solve the Sudoku it takes 1/3 of the time. We would also update this page again after talking to the TA's and getting some of our questions answered.

The code is available at