Uploads by Bretteaton

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
00:10, 18 October 2011 LynnCrUpper.jpg (file) 353 KB A typical view of the deposits in the upper part of the Lynn Creek watershed. 1
00:03, 18 October 2011 LynnLowFlow.jpg (file) 278 KB Here is a picture of Lynn Creek from the bridge at low flow 1
00:00, 18 October 2011 Teaching122.jpg (file) 133 KB Lynn Creek from the bridge at flood 1
20:01, 17 October 2011 UpperLynn.jpg (file) 175 KB Typical channel conditions in Lynn Creek downstream of the bridge, showing stone steps and clusters. 1
19:48, 17 October 2011 Lynn Cr RB Till.jpg (file) 234 KB This photo was taken downstream of the bridge at the Lynn Headwaters Park entrance, and shows a good exposure of basal till on the right bank of the river. 1