Science:Science Writing Resources/Communicating in the STEM Disciplines/Poster Presentations/Images
< Science:Science Writing Resources | Communicating in the STEM Disciplines | Poster Presentations
Here are a few items to consider related to incorporating images into your poster:
- Images on a poster (graphs, photos, diagrams, tables, etc.) provide visuals that serve to have a conversation between the poster presenter and the reader.
- Insert images into the PowerPoint file as .tiff, .jpg or .eps formats. Use the “insert” image option instead of copying and pasting images from one piece of software to another piece of software.
- Optimal image resolution is between 150 ppi to 300 ppi at final size. Remember that since your poster will usually be printed and enlarged, image resolution must be higher than if you were just viewing an image on a screen.
- Do not place images or objects close to the edge of your layout; leave a minimum 1/2” margin.
- Scale images proportionately.
- Ensure the font size for text used in images (legends, axes, labels, etc.) are large enough and legible (increasing the size of a figure from a paper may blur the text and make it illegible).