Science:Math Exam Resources/Courses/MATH215/December 2013/Question 06 (b)/Solution 1

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We will need to analyze the linearized system at each critical point.

At (x,y) = (0,0)

which has eigenvectors and with corresponding eigenvalues 3 and 1 respectively. The local solution structure centred at (0,0) is

Along both eigenvectors, the trajectories move away, with the direction being dominant, since it is multiplied by the larger term, e3t.

At (x,y) = (0,1)

To find the eigenvector corresponding to , we seek the solution to so that

Or , so we take .

To find the eigenvector corresponding to , we seek the solution to so that

Or v1 = 0, v2 = anything, so we take .

The local solution structure centred at (0,1) is

The solution grows exponentially along the direction and decays exponentially along the direction. Starting anywhere other than along the vector, the solution will approach the vector.

At (x,y) = (3,0)

To find the eigenvector corresponding to , we seek the solution to so that

Or v2 = 0, v1 = anything, so we take .

To find the eigenvector corresponding to , we seek the solution to so that

Or , so we take .

The local solution structure centred at (3,0) is

The solution grows exponentially along the direction and decays exponentially along the direction. Starting anywhere other than along the vector, the solution will approach the vector.

At (x,y) = (1,2)

, which as we saw in part (a) has complex eigenvalues with negative real part. By plugging in a point, say into the local linear system we can determine the direction of the spiral.

which points up and to the left at (1,0). Therefore the spiral is counterclockwise.

This is all put together in the very rough global phase portrait.

Global phase portrait combining local linearized information.