Science:Math Exam Resources/Courses/MATH200/December 2011/Question 04/Solution 1

From UBC Wiki

If the sphere with radius in question is enclosed by the ellipse, and the radius is maximal, then the surface of the ellipse and the sphere just touch in one point.

Sketch of R

The tangent planes to the surface and the sphere with radius are parallel at the points where the surface and the sphere touch. Hence the normal vectors to the tangent planes are also parallel.

Regarding the surface equation and the sphere equation as level sets of functions , then the normal vectors to these tangent planes are given by the gradients of the functions and .

The sphere equation with the origin as center and radius is . Then and . We are looking for such that the gradients are parallel,

The second line yields that or .

  • leads to and using the surface equation we obtain the points
  • leads to and using the surface equation we obtain the points .

These four points are candidates for where the ellipse and the sphere touch. Since we are searching for the radius such that the sqhere is enclosed in the ellipse, we need the point with the shortest distance to the origin.

Since is the smallest of these numbers, this is the radius of the sqhere.