Science:Math Exam Resources/Courses/MATH152/April 2013/Question B 05 (b)/Solution 1

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We begin by computing the eigenvalues.

and thus the roots (and hence eigenvalues) are . To compute the eigenvectors, we look at the nullspace of for each eigenvalue. When , we have

and a vector (hence an eigenvector) in the kernel of this matrix is given by

Similarly, for , we have

and a vector (hence an eigenvector) in the kernel of this matrix is given by

Adjoin these eigenvectors to make a matrix

Then, our theory of diagonalizability gives us that


is the diagonal matrix consisting of the eigenvalues. Next, notice that

Finally, our work will pay off: Taking the 20th power of a diagonal matrix is easy and convenient. Having to inverting a 2x2 matrix is a small price to pay for this convenience.

Applying the vector to this matrix gives

and this completes the problem.