Science:Math Exam Resources/Courses/MATH105/April 2012/Question 04 (a)/Solution 1

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Following the definition of a cdf (see the hint), we compute

  • so


  • so .
  • To impose continuity at , we need . Obviously . So looking at the left limit will give us k:

Therefore k = 1/(arctan 1), or simply .

  • Since arctan is non-decreasing, so is F.

Hence our final answer is

Note that the cdf is continuous and nondecreasing (the value of F never goes down). It also obeys '"`UNIQ--postMath-0000000B-QINU`"' and '"`UNIQ--postMath-0000000C-QINU`"'.

As a remark, it is important to know the exact trig values for special angles. Here: so .