Science:Math Exam Resources/Courses/MATH102/December 2012/Question A 01/Solution 1

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As stated in the hint, sketching a picture of the two graphs between 0 and 1 is a good first step.

MER Math102 December 2012 Question A1 solution graph.jpg

Identify the distance between the two graphs and write a formula for it.

MER Math102 December 2012 Question A1 solution graph 2.jpg

The distance between the two graphs at a point x can be given by

Now this is simply a max/min problem (see the keyword "furthest apart" in the question): we are looking for the maximum of .

First we find critical points by differentiating, setting equal to zero, and solving for x:

So we have critical points x = 0 and x = 2/3. We know x = 0 isn't the correct answer as we already know that the graphs are equal there. Thus, the point of furthest distance must be x = 2/3 or (c).