Role of ChatGPT in Education Sector: Helpful or Disruptive?

From UBC Wiki


Since its debut in November 2022, ChatGPT 3.5, an AI-driven chatbot, has emerged as a topic of intense debate in educational circles. Its potential impact on education systems worldwide is profound, stirring a mix of optimism and concern among educators and policymakers.

The Dual Nature of ChatGPT in Education

At its core, ChatGPT presents a paradox. It's seen as a groundbreaking tool that could reshape educational methodologies, yet it simultaneously poses a threat to traditional teaching practices, such as essay writing and revision. The emergence of ChatGPT raises a pivotal question: In a world facing a deficit of approximately 69 million teachers, could this AI technology supplement or even replace human educators?

ChatGPT's Role in Education

ChatGPT's introduction has showcased its ability to augment, and sometimes substitute, human tasks in various job sectors. This begs the question: Will the field of education, so reliant on human interaction and emotional intelligence, be an exception? Can ChatGPT autonomously perform tasks that are currently the remit of teachers? What risks might this entail, and how can educators leverage ChatGPT to improve their teaching methods and efficiency?

Opportunities for Utilizing ChatGPT in Education

Here are some potential ways in which ChatGPT could be integrated into educational strategies:

Lesson Enhancement

Teachers, especially in low- and middle-income countries, often struggle to convert dense curricula into engaging lessons. ChatGPT can assist in creating captivating lesson plans, brainstorming class preparation ideas, and developing new assignments or evaluations. However, its role is limited to preparation, not delivery, making a teacher's pedagogical skills as crucial as ever. When it comes to teaching different languages, tools like ChatGPT Japan that are tailored to specific languages play a very important role in making the learning process enjoyable for students.

Assessment Development

ChatGPT can aid in the creation of improved assessment questions, including multiple-choice items and prompts for essay questions, fostering higher-order thinking skills in students.

Language Support

In contexts where teachers are compelled to instruct in a second language, such as English, ChatGPT can help improve their proficiency in both their native and foreign languages, thereby enhancing teaching effectiveness.

Student Support

The tool can be employed to spur student curiosity and generate homework ideas. However, teachers must address the risks of students using ChatGPT to complete assignments unethically.

Grading Assistance

ChatGPT can automate the grading of objective tests and aid in standards-based assessment, though concerns about accuracy and fairness remain.

Tutoring Aid

It can also serve as an online tutoring assistant, adapting to individual student needs, particularly in contexts with high student-teacher ratios.

Five Key Takeaways for Policymakers

  • Adaptation Over Prohibition: Banning ChatGPT isn't likely a fruitful strategy; instead, its effective use should be the focus.
  • Inclusivity in Access: Policymakers in low- and middle-income countries must ensure equitable access to the necessary infrastructure and digital skills.
  • Informed Policy Decisions: Understanding the current usage of ChatGPT by teachers and students is crucial before implementing policies.
  • Raising Digital Literacy: Users must develop an awareness of the algorithms to navigate challenges like misinformation.
  • Active Teacher Engagement: Despite the integration of ChatGPT, the active role of teachers in the educational process remains vital.


While ChatGPT's potential to augment teaching is undeniable, it's clear that policymakers and educators should proceed with caution. Emphasizing teacher supervision and responsible use of technology is crucial in ensuring that ChatGPT serves as a supportive tool rather than a replacement in the educational landscape. The future of education with AI like ChatGPT holds promise, but it also necessitates a careful, evidence-based approach to truly enhance learning and teaching experiences.