Reproductive Exploitation Cross Species

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Cross Species Reproductive Exploitation

Reproductive exploitation refers to the systematic use of the female body to reproduce offspring without consent of the female. Reproductive exploitation cross species refers to the sexual exploitation of one species by another. While examining cross-species exploitation, it is important to note that animals are seen as moral subjects who deserve moral consideration and should not be used as objects, resources or reproductive machines.

Vegan Feminism

Vegan Feminism refers to the social justice movement that stands against reproductive exploitation cross-species and the oppression of the individuals standing up for this right. The movement is based on the ideology that non-human animals are not resources but individuals. The mission statement on the Vegan Feminist Network website reads "Our mission is to eradicate oppression from the Nonhuman Animal rights movement and improve inclusiveness through dialogue and educational resources". It also recognizes that not only large-scale factory farming, but local and free-range farming also use female animals solely for their reproductive function. Most dairy farm practices involve removing the calf shortly after birth to ensure it does not drink the milk if it's mother. Instead, she is re-impregnated, until her reproductive system gives out after 3-4 years and she is then sent to slaughter, leading a much shorter life then those not in the harsh condition of factory farming. Normally a dairy cow can live for 20 years, but in this case her only value is her reproductive system and so she is killed when she can no longer offer a profit. By recognizing non humans animals as their own at risk social group, Vegan Feminism acknowledges the link between the oppression of humans and non-humans through the fact that fighting for human equality makes no sense as long as we perpetuate the inequality of non-human animals. [1]

Meat and Masculinity

In The Sexual Politics of Meat, Carol J. Adams highlights the connection between meat and masculinity. She argues that eating meat acts as a symbol of dominance, enforced by simplistic theories of Darwinian Evolution and Survival of the Fittest.[2] The Eurocentric ideology that eating meat contributed to the Western world's preeminence continued well into the 20th century. Adams writes that we can see a connection between meat and masculinity in the language we use; she gives the example of emphasis being put on "man-sized portions" or "hero sandwiches" in order to highlight that the whole terminology of meat-eating reflects a masculine bias. Men who become vegetarians challenge an essential part of the masculine gender role. [3]
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The Rape of Animals

Oppression against women is intimately linked with the oppression against animals. When women are victims of violence, the treatment of animals is recalled. Maroon 5's music video Animals depicts the singer Adam Levine as a butcher, hacking on animal carcasses and stalking a woman.[4] The character fantasizes about having sex with the woman while blood drips down on them.
The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) issued a warning statement, emphasizing that serious crimes against women should not be trivialized.[5] The female body becomes a site of violence, just as the animal carcass is butchered, beaten and abused, even after death. Abuse towards animals is often seen in the past of abusers and sexual predators.[6] Violence against female cows occurs globally in dairy farms and can include physical abuse, tasering and removal of her calfs. In order for the female cow to produce milk, she is strapped to a rack (common slang often refers to the device as a “rape rack”) and inseminated with semen stored in a massive syringe.[7] Because the cow’s milk has been reserved for human consumption, the calf is forcibly removed from the mother soon (and sometimes immediately) after birth. The consumption of products from cows, pigs, turkeys, chickens or any other livestock animal involves forcible insemination and exploitation of the female reproductive system and denial of motherhood.

" When women say that they feel like a piece of meat after being raped, are they saying there is a connection between being entered against one's will and being eaten? "[8]
" Rape victim's repeated use of the word 'hamburger' to describe the result of penetration, violation, being prepared for market, implies not only how unpleasurable being a piece of meat is, but also that animals can be victims of rape. "[9]


  1. Vegan Feminist Network.
  2. Adams, Carol J. The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-vegetarian Critical Theory. New York: Bloomsbury, 2010. p.53.
  3. Real Mean Eat Meat, NY Times.
  4. Maroon 5, Animals.
  5. RAINN statement on Maroon 5 music video,
  6. Adams, Carol J., "Bringing Peace Home: A Feminist Philosophical Perspective on the Abuse of Women, Children and Pet Animals." in Neither Man nor Beast: Feminism and the Defence of Animals (New York: Continuum Publishing Company, 1994), pp. 144-61
  7. PETA News, 1, no.8 (1986) People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, p.2. See also Gena Corea, the Mother Machine: Reproductive Technologies from Artificial Insemination to Artificial Wombs (New York: Harper & Row, 1985), pp.12-13
  8. Adams, Carol J. The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-vegetarian Critical Theory. New York: Bloomsbury, 2010. p. 81
  9. Adams, Carol J. The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-vegetarian Critical Theory. New York: Bloomsbury, 2010. p.82