Podcasts/Tutoring/Preparing Students for Tutoring Session

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Preparing Students for Tutoring Sessions

Although the onus is firmly on the student to prepare for a tutoring session, you can help them do this effectively by providing feedback on areas of their writing that could be improved. Additionally, tutoring sessions are most effective when students target one or two areas, so encourage students to look over old writing assignments to try to build a picture of where their weaker areas lie.

Remind students that tutors will not proofread or edit their work, nor will they check over homework. They will help students become better writers by challenging them to think about how best to present their topics and by focusing on the writing process.

You should mention to students that generalist writing tutors will help them assess how well they develop pieces of writing (e.g. the logic of their arguments, the organisation of their writing). They will also help with general writing skills, such as grammar and the use of mechanics. Specialist science writing tutors will instead focus more on discipline-specific requirements, such as how to integrate sources (which is very different from the way non-scientists do this). They will also be able to help students identify different niche requirements for science writing. Whether students book tutoring time with generalist or specialist tutors depends on the goals they have for developing as writers.