
From UBC Wiki

Planning Session

The idea for this planning session came from a need for us to re-shape the training curriculum for the tools that we currently support. We have started this process with the development of training resources for blogs and wikis - focusing on the platforms, features and teaching applications and the "how to's". What we need now is a piece that focuses more broadly on the "why?" - basically the work of thinking about a learning environment (course) and identifying the learning goals, activities and approaches that the technology should support.

Our proposed goal for a training session:

For Faculty/Participants to leave with a strategy to evaluate any technology that they may want to use in their courses/learning environments.

Anticipated Outcomes?

We've talked a bit about the possibility of creating a framework to guide faculty (or others) in analyzing their learning environments. Here are a few initial thoughts - add yours?

  • Basic guides for helping faculty map out perceived engagement in relation to course activities and goals.
  • Models/frameworks that acknowledge course learning as a chunk on a longer continuum.
  • Attention paid to instructor’s own goals/level of engagement (are you bored? going through the motions? excited by something? eager to explore? etc)
  • Identify the overarching goal you have for learners in your course. Most important thing.

Is it realistic to come out of our day together with a loose plan for a 2 hour session and a planning framework for participants (based on work that has already been done - see Existing Frameworks)?

Existing Frameworks

There must be others, but here are a few to start with... (add yours?)

Bates and Poole SECTIONS model:

SECTIONS Model brief overview

Using the SECTIONS Framework to Evaluate Flash Media

Indicators of Engaged Learning

Evaluating Tech based curriculum materials using indicators of engaged learning

Meaningful, Engaged Learning

If I have time, I might take on the SECTIONS model and see if I can come up with a draft framework for us to discuss.

Here are a couple of things I have been working on:

Here's the edited SECTIONS Framework doc (with Brian's feedback):

How about this idea for the non-faculty participants?

Possible Activities

Here's the Peer Assist video we were talking about.

Planning Day Agenda

We have a room booked in the Boardroom Liu Centre from 9-4 on Nov. 6th.

Ideas here about how you'd like to spend the day (given anticipated outcomes).


  • look at the Frameworks - discuss and work out how we might develop to suit our purposes.


  • identify the main section headings for tool descriptions that might accompany this session.
  • map out a sketch of the session
  • identify possible activities

DRAFT Workshop Agenda using the RAPA Method

RAPA Process

Working Title: From Reflection to Action: Planning for Teaching with Technology

Time: 2 hr session

Audience: Educational Technologists, Designers, Instructors, technology and library support staff Session Breakdown:

  • 1. Reflect - 1. on your overall goal(s) for the course 2. on a teaching issue/challenge you have identified. What resources do we need to support this? Specific learning activity - leading questions?
  • 2. Analyze the Problem - possible Peer Assist exercise - brainstorm possible strategies to address these problem/challenge you have identified; questions related to the problem: what do learners know - what do you want them to know - identify the gap between; what learning activities/approaches might help you address this gap; brainstorm the resources/tools to support What resources do we need to support this? Small group facilitators: Specific questions to draw out deeper exploration of the specific teaching challenge? What does the problem look like? How will you know when learning you want to see is happening?
  • 3. Plan - select an example tech tool to evaluate (based on what you think might best support your goals); use your identified goals and teaching challenges as a case study; use the SECTIONS Framework to evaluate the tool
  • 4. Action - What are your next steps? -


  • 1. Session Overview
  • 2. Introductions
  • 3. Who are you?
  • 4. Learning Objectives
  • 5. Introduce the RAPA Concept
  • 6. Guided Reflection Activity #1
  • 7. Analyze Activity #2 - Group Brainstorm about the Challenge
  • 8. Plan: Intro SECTIONS framework model + giving examples of tool(s) and how to use framework with a specific case study
  • 9. Plan using Tool Evaluation worksheet (SECTIONS)
  • 10. Determine next course of Action (consider resources, list goals for next few months).