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Service Roles on the Preference List

  • Articulation:
    • works with colleges and universities to establish UBC transfer credit for courses taken elsewhere
  • CAP Councillor:
    • liaison between UBC Physics and Astronomy and the Canadian Association of Physicists
  • CAP Exam and International Physics Olympiad:
    • creates, distributes and grades the CAP Exam for high-school-physics students across Canada (January-April);
    • selects students, organizes International Physics Olympiad study camp at UBC (end of May),
    • works at International Physics Olympiad (July)
  • Committee on Initial Appointments (December-March)
    • Develops recommendation for appointments in job searches in concert with Open Hiring Committee
    • Assesses and recommends appointments of Adjunct, Affiliate and Honorary Professors
  • Comprehensive Exam:
    • polls department members for questions for the comprehensive exams
    • creates the comprehensive exams (April and August)
    • grades the comprehensive exams
  • Curriculum
    • Coordinates and proposes changes to the PHAS curriculum in coordination with innovations committee, Faculty of Science and other departments
  • Demonstration Room
    • Supervises the demo room
  • External Review
    • Coordinates the PHAS external review in Spring 2025
  • Faculty Award Nominations
    • Selects and develops nomination materials for faculty awards with the Associate Head for Faculty
  • Graduate Admissions (December-January)
    • Reads and grades graduate student applications, typically over the Winter break (December)
    • Assesses the graduate student demand from supervisors in various fields (December-January)
    • Meets to develop a ranked list of applicants and recommend offers (January)
  • Graduate Mentors
    • Each mentor is assigned a cohort of incoming (and current students if they want to participate) and meets with them as a group in the Fall and Spring: informal, takes them for coffee.
    • The mentor is also available for consultation as needed.
  • Graduate Recruiting (February and March)
    • Organizes the graduate recruiting open house during the first or second week of March
  • NSERC USRA Selection (January-February)
    • ranks NSERC USRA applicants
  • Merit (May)
    • Read faculty activity reports and assign merit according to the principles outlined by the Faculty of Science
  • Open Hiring (December-March)
  • Outreach
  • Physics Olympics (January-March)
    • plan, prepare and coordinate the physics olympics that take place at UBC on the first or second Saturday of March
  • Service Assignments (June-July)
    • Gathers service preferences for the new academic year (June)
    • Recommends service assignment for the upcoming academic year (July)
  • Teaching Assignments
    • Gathers teaching preferences for the new academic year (January-March)
    • Recommends teaching assignments for upcoming Winter and the following Summer Term (March-April)
  • Teaching Innovations
    • Makes strategic decisions to improve our teaching effectiveness
    • Coordinates applications and departmental contributions for teaching grants
  • Teaching Peer Review
    • Assesses teaching auditions of faculty job candidates (February-May)
  • Workload Document