Ottoman Empire HIST102 Notes and Referances

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Notes - Fall of Ottoman Empire

from Brittanica

check out the following headings

The decline of the Ottoman Empire, 1566–1807 » Internal problems » Economic difficulties

Muslim and Jewish subjects singled out negatively

The decline of the Ottoman Empire, 1566–1807 » Internal problems » Social unrest

      • The decline of the Ottoman Empire, 1566–1807 » Imperial decline in the 18th and early 19th centuries

      • The decline of the Ottoman Empire, 1566–1807 » Imperial decline in the 18th and early 19th centuries » Contacts with the West

notes from headings

  • imperial decline due to earlier conditions (prior to 1566-1807) - further research...- corrupt/incompetant officials
  • weak central gov't, loss of most provinces to local ruling ayan or derebeis (so called in Anatolia) and klephts/hayduks (Europe)
  • due to lack of military resources (for suppression purposes)
  • local population prefered their rule as central gov't corupt
  • Balkans/Anatolia- currents of local nationalism among Balkan Christians- this development taken advantage of by local rulers to take control of their province fr. central gov't
  • local rulers gained control of taxes and therefore trade
  • private armies-mercinaries and slaves
  • provincial revolts
  • disrupted food supply
  • famine in major cities
  • unemployment, plague, riots, executions of officials by the people

***gov't could not resolve without major reform {ie. such as the type seen implemented by interactions w/ west Europeans in India, Japan, as described in our opening statement}

  • contacts w/ the west established 18th/19th c.
  • ambassadors sent to europe to sighn treatisies
  • entrance of european merchants/travelers/consuls***

isolation prior to, more research needed

  • Ottoman intellectuals began coresponding w/ others in europe

*** this western contact had "very limited consequences" [Brittanica- fall of the ottoman empire-contacts w/ the west]

  • few were exposed to western ideas, those who were shrugged them off as they did not fit into traditional thought patterns
  • the few who understood the implications of these new ideas ignored

*only signs of European influence - upperclass style of dress and adoption of French style dwellings/parties, and an obsession w/ growing tulips

                                    - military advancements

{nothing appeared to happen on the revolutionary scale (ie. france) allowing social change leading to integration and stability}

*Military Reforms

  • had to form entirely new corps to handle new weapons (main body of military could not accept them) {what's with these guys and their traditional thought patterns??}
  • European instructors (European renegades { was this technology not ment to be shared?})
  • private "special mercinary bodies"
  • bulk of army remained unchanged- hostile to new corps, best equipped to suppress reform at home, but unable to challenge the west {looks like gov't regarded new ideas as reason for it's downward spiral...scape goat}
  • military reforms most successful and long lasting
  • modernized navy

  • built munitions factories (aid of european technicians)
  • technological schools to train ottoman officers
      • "limited efforts to rationalize Ottoman Administrative machinery {the real problem}, changed largley along traditional lines" {what do we call Ottoman gov't style? Autocratic?}

  • Napoleon Bonapart- French expedition to Egypt 1798-1801
  • Ottoman allied w/ GB and Russia to drive french out
        • Rise of Nationalism stimulated by "agents of Russia, Austria and Revolutionary France
  • 1809-39 MUhamud II a reforming Sultan
  • greatly increased western knowledge
  • tech schools
  • larger # of westerners in Istanbul during Era of French Revolution {hiding there? or shit disturbing on purpose}
  • broke Ottoman Isolation
  • set stage for 19th c reforms that transformed empire{what were these reforms? And there's nothing about the empire collapsing into smaller self governed bits!}

{why could western ideas not be taken up and implemented allowing Empire to retain borders and step into new era on equal ground w/ the west? What attitudes prevented this ?? Traditional thought?? What is the story on this?}

this information can be found at

supplied to Brittanica by Stanford Jay Shaw, author of many books about Ottoman empire and with articles on various websites listed at bottom of article