Oligarchical Collectivism

From UBC Wiki

The University is an undemoratically managed Oligarchy of pretentious and insipid authoritarians. What is it that gets one a Bachelor of Arts with Major in English? Nothing more than pleasing the extant Oligarchs. These people are then allowed to reproduce their own deranged, insipid and degenerate mimetics by teaching Public School, which is now monopolized totally and completely by beauracratically manufactured degree holders.

The University has served its purpose, which was to churn through the general population and allow identification of insipid authoritarians who are willing to hoop-jump for the privilege of being Circus Ringmaster in future. Now that this process has been served, the question remains: what is to be done with the useless corpse of the University, what is to be done with the masses of temporary oligarchs that have been conferred degrees in the name of our Sovereign?

"In the twentieth century’s first half, the power-seeking Middle class dispensed with the pretence of pursuing justice for everyone: "In each variant of Socialism that appeared from about 1900 onwards the aim of establishing liberty and equality was more and more openly abandoned. The new movements which appeared in the middle years of the century . . . had the conscious aim of perpetuating unfreedom and inequality"; because the true goal was to end history upon becoming the perpetual High ruling class — composed not of aristocrats or plutocrats, but of "bureaucrats, scientists, technicians, trade-union organisers, publicity experts, sociologists, teachers, journalists and professional politicians" originally from "the salaried middle class and the upper grades of the working class"." [1]

If we wish to avoid this malevolent, authoritarian socialism, that is to say, oligarchical collectivism, is the truth that we must avoid Higher Education? May it never be! Our University was constituted so that all British Columbians might pursue academical degrees, not merely the insipid man-pleasing crowd. Learning to bow to the vain doctrine of men is not part of obtaining academical degree, temporary human rights statute notwithstanding.

  1. Orwell, 1984.