
From UBC Wiki


  • The roots of mashup/remix culture seems intimately connected with shifts in technology: think modernism (appropriation in cubism); modern mashup culture largely tied to rise of online culture and tools
  • "...collage and appropriation may now be considered the single most influential and most defining aesthetic for the entire twentieth century. And it shows no signs of diminishing in the twenty-first. Turn on the news: it’s solid collage. Watch a commercial or a music video: it’s solid collage. Go to a live baseball game and see the mix of replays and found audio and video clips from popular culture that are shown on big screens to wind up the audience: that’s collage as well. The home computer is the ultimate collage and appropriation box, and every computer user in the world knows and understands the term “cut and paste.”" - The Definitive Negativland Essay on Copyright and Art

  • One of the more recent developments we are seeing online are mashups
  • Mashups are about taking two or more different things (be they content or services) and turning them into something new
  • Mashups have been enabled by the growing availability of open APIs and open content. They have also been enabled by a new attitude that realizes innovation on a network takes place AT THE EDGES, and that the owners of content and services are NOT the only people who want to innovate with it.
  • Open Education as a movement has introduced large quantities of formal education resources into the pool of content that can be mashed up.
  • Simultaneously, thinking about how to teach and learn on the network has evolved, recognizing that we are no longer bound by old limits of space and time, and that learning can more directed by the learner, their needs and choices.
  • This is embodied in the term "Personal Learning Environments" (PLE). PLEs are about giving control to the user of how, what and where they learn.
  • In many ways, PLEs are the "mashups of learning" and many of the skills, techniques and technologies we see in the broader internet mashups also apply to PLEs and to Network Learners and Teachers using Open Resources

Bringing OERs into your workflow as a Student

Student OER Mashing Part II

Mashing OERs as an Instructor

Open Educator as DJ Workflow
  • Open Educator as DJ workflow




Open data

  • - "to increase public access to high value, machine readable datasets generated by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government"
  • City of Vancouver embraces open data, standards and source - "Reimer had argued that supporting the motion would allow the city to improve transparency, cut costs and enable people to use the data to create new useful products, including commercial ones. She had also noted that taxpayers paid for the data to be collected in the first place."

Some Additional References