Library talk:HSSWikiProject

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
HSS vs. HSSD Category?017:56, 15 March 2011
Category Consistency020:19, 9 March 2011
Subpages and duplicate pages019:48, 23 February 2011

HSS vs. HSSD Category?

Just some clarification. If you are using it as such, the branch's category is HSSD. If you are using HSS as a larger subject grouping, then I would suggest you put all the subjects in HSS and only put the subject categories on the relevant pages. Sorry if that sounds confusing.

Basically, if you mean to use HSS as a topical subject (rather than referring to the library branch), I suggest creating the "Humananities and Social Sciences" category then adding History, Women Studies, Literature, etc. as subcategories. You would then only add the relevant subjects to each page rather than having to add all the pages to both H&SS and the subject(s) (which would be the equivalent of adding, for example, Finding Library Materials and Microforms categories to all microforms pages rather than only adding the most specific one i.e. microforms).

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Cynthia (UBC LSIT)19:39, 23 February 2011

Category Consistency

Hi All,

Just a quick note that you may want to make sure you are using the categories consistently. Wiki categories are both case and space sensitive.

For example, Primary Sources =! PrimarySources, and, Hss =! HSS

I have already changed any pages with PrimarySources to Primary Sources. However, some pages are still tagged with Hss when it should be HSS.

Please feel to revert the changes if you had intended it to be two separate categories, but I thought in this case, it was safe enough to assume it was meant to be the same.

Cynthia (UBC LSIT)20:10, 9 March 2011

Subpages and duplicate pages

For more specific content of page, such as MicroformsAmericanFiction, I would suggest making these subpages of Microforms instead of creating separate pages. This will greatly help with organization as well as being able to automatically populate lists rather than having to do so manually.

On a side note, I noticed duplicate pages, such as AmericanFiction. If you intend to use the same material on two pages, I strongly suggest the use of the import function (transclusion), otherwise both places would have to be updated if anything ever changes.

Again, let me know if you have any questions.

Cynthia (UBC LSIT)19:48, 23 February 2011