Library:TLAC Meetings 100922
Teaching and Learning Advisory Committee (TLAC) Meeting Agenda – September 22, 2010
1:00 pm – 3:00 pm, Gold River Room, IKBLC
Present: Carolyn Carvajal, Jan Gattrell, Aleteia Greenwood, Katherine Miller, Julie Mitchell, Trish Rosseel, Greg Rowell, Lea Starr, Lindsay Ure
Apologies: Paul Joseph, Jo-Anne Naslund
Recorder: Kimberley Hintz
1. Project Team Early Wins Report
Discussion: Document reviewed.
Action: In section 2, add collaboration with Woodward Library for WIMBA classroom. Done: Trish
2. First Year Curriculum Mapping Document Review
Discussion: Use document to highlight strengths and address gaps.
Action: Change title to reflect map's referral to online instruction programs and support as well as classroom instruction. Done: Trish
Discussion: Should there be a separate curriculum map for professional programs like undergrad MD program? Should there be a separate map for "New to UBC" to capture orientations like JumpStart and tours?
Action: Committee members, check with branches to identify gaps on first year map. Send any additions or changes to Trish by next Friday.
3. October TLAC Forum Topic
Discussion: The next TLAC Forum is on Wednesday, October 27th, 1-2:30pm, Koerner 742. The committee wants to alternate between technology tips and classroom techniques for forum topics. Marjorie Mitchell presented a session on classroom evaluation forms at BCLA last year. The February forum will be WIMBA classroom support with Kathrine and Woodward staff to present.
Action: Jan to ask Marjorie to present at October forum. Done: Marjorie confirmed
4. Laud a Librarian contest
Discussion: This is an ALPS Link contest that UBC Library has supported financially in the past. Many UBC librarians have been recipients of the awards.
Action: Trish to ask Lea for $300 for prizes. Discuss with Lea the potential for having this request go to CPSLD in the future? Done: Trish
5. Conference Hosting Ideas
Discussion: The following conferences are looking for hosts: WILU 2012 and LOEX of the West 2014. Members agreed that they would like to host WILU in Vancouver as it is the Canadian information literacy conference and UBC-Okanagan hosted it in 2008.
Action: Trish to submit proposal to host WILU 2012. Lea will check on dates for other conferences being hosted by UBC Library to make sure there aren't any conflicts.
6. Ideas for TLEF Proposals for Next Year
Discussion: Deadline for applications is November 22, 2010. There is a workshop on Oct 6 to assist with the application process. Should we apply for support to build academic integrity tutorials? We could collaborate with UBC-O as they have developed a Captivate tutorial: Scripts for tutorials are available from previous work done to produce the original UBC-V Academic Integrity Flash tutorial: Original intention for that project was to produce 3 tutorials. Library could also partner with AVP office. Trish did a session for Psychology faculty who asked about developing a tutorial required for all students charged with plagiarism.
Action: Julie will ask Simon for a copy of the original application.
7. How to Find Articles
Discussion: Julie and Sheryl have updated this guide. It is currently available on the Chapman Learning Commons website. It is built in UBC Library wiki. Committee members can go to Library wiki to make changes or send feedback to Julie.
Action: Change link on help page to new guide. Trish will email Cynthia and Lorne to update other website links to the new page.Done
8. Help site
Discussion: Links under "Researching at the Library" need to be updated.
Action: Remove links to Guided Tour because information is inaccurate. Done
Action: Trish and Julie to update Getting Started with Term Paper Research guide.
Action: Kimberley will ask HSS to review original HSS guides (primary sources, reviews, newspapers, etc.) migrated to WordPress. Done
Action: Trish to ask Cynthia to migrate Literature Review page. Done
Action: Trish to ask Cynthia to migrate Evaluating Internet Sources and Evaluating Print Sources guides and have Aleteia review them. Done
Action: Trish to ask Cynthia to include redirects for all of the pages. This is especially necessary for links that have been printed in books such as Aleteia's pages.
Discussion: A Services portal is being developed.
Action: Trish to ask Paul to give TLAC an opportunity to see it before it goes live.
Discussion: Ask Us button covers text on the website. Ex. David Lam branch page
Action: Julie to send list of pages where button interferes with text to Paul. Done
Discussion: Contact us link – has moved to the bottom of the page. Do we need it back at the top?
Discussed and agreed that Contact us is in an appropriate place. Also, Ask Us is available on every page now.
Discussion: ASRS page link from catalogue is out of date. Need to update screen captures.
Action: Trish to ask Cynthia to migrate and then ask TLAC and Leeta for feedback.
Discussion: The current OPAC does not allow parenthetical searching.
Action: Prepare a set of screen shots that demonstrates different search results in Voyager cataloguing client vs OPAC. Ask for feedback/examples from other branch librarians. Ask Systems the following questions: Is it a possibility to fix? Can Systems fix it with local programming? Can Ex Libris fix it? Ensure that a complete status update is sent to lib-all to ensure consistent communication across the Library.
10. Communication Work
Discussion: Homepage carousel item about online learning appeared in September. More instruction related items are needed.
Action: Liaise with Sheryl and Erin to write AskAway promotional blurb. Liaise with Ellen and Teresa to write a RefWorks promotional blurb.
11. UFV’s tutorial
Discussion: Committee agreed that a longer conversation in needed on this topic, specifically about the purpose of this type of tutorial. Questions include: Is there a common assessment piece? How does it fit with other online tutorials currently available? Could it connect to the wiki?
Action: Add this as a discussion item for November agenda.
12. Instruction statistics
Discussion: Some changes have been made to DeskTracker for classes. Trish has also created a Google form to collect instruction statistics.
Action: Trish will send Google form to TLAC members for review and further discussion.
Meeting adjourned: 3:10pm
Next meeting: Wednesday, November 24th, 1-3:00pm, Koerner 742
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