Library:TLAC ALPS Session
Stuff That Worked & What Made It So
- Have student do the demo we usually do; other students pay more attention; someone eventually volunteers; forces us to give directions we may usually miss; sometimes mistakes will happen, it's a good thing!
- Give a task at beginning of class to assess prior knowledge; ask for how they did it; talk through process; ask questions and get other students involved by asking strategies; scary at first, but then aw, nice supportive thing!
- Given non-specific request for library session, query faculty for the assignment connection
- Think/pair/share: put research project on index card and then get students to work together to brainstorm terms to search.
- TPS: good way to build trust; keep it low risk; easy questions; no pressure; they don't have to come up with answers
- For scholarly sources, bring in examples, have groups make comparisons with items in hand; also have virtual comparisons within database
- Write up questions and hand them out for students to read them aloud and answer
- Start with a picture
- With grads; having them focus on what they find effective as a research methodology right off the bat...surface the expertise and work from there
- Have students think of research they've done recently, what worked/what didn't, share with neighbour, have each student share other person's story
- What can you tell me about your assignment?
- Pre-clicker technology, have volunteers with laser pointers and get the class to set direction, drive
- Have students draw a picture of a librarian, what tools do they have
Stuff That Didn't Work & What May Have Caused It
- Big group exercise at start without having trust at beginning; start with something, then TPS
Presentation Slides