Library:Resource Pages Application Transition
Nov 19 - Dec 7, 2012 is the transition period for migrating from Cold Fusion to the Resource Pages Application. During this period users will continue to access indexes and databases from Cold Fusion pages. However, all changes and updates should be made in the Resource Pages Application. In order for pages to be published (i.e. become active and publicly viewable), each resource page must meet certain minimum standards. The instructions below outline the steps for ensuring that these standards are met.
To clarify, the Cold Fusion database will remain accessible even after the launch of the new application so that everyone has sufficient time to do additional clean up and organization in the new application.
During the transition period, resource page owners are asked to do the following so that library users have uninterrupted access to e-resources:
- Log into the Resource Pages Application (LTK site) using your CWL.
- Select the Resource Pages tab (top centre).
- Use the "Edit a Resource Page by Owner" drop down menu to find the resource pages you own.
- For each resource page, check the following fields:
- Title: Is the title accurate?
- Brief description: Write a brief description or trim down the existing one to fit the character limit of 220.
- Owner: Quickly double-check that the drop down menu for "Owner" is set to your name.
- Concurrent seats: For resources that have a seat limit, ensure that the number of seats is accurately reflected.
- Access instructions: Only the Access URL and Concurrent seats have been automatically migrated from Cold Fusion to the Resource Pages Application. If the resource has additional access details important for users to know, such as browser restrictions (e.g. Si Ku Quan Shu) or registration instructions (e.g. SciFinder Scholar), transfer those instructions into this field.
N.B. Special set up for resources that require users to log in via CWL or barcode to obtain a user ID + password will be handled by e-resources staff. There are specific fields for holding this information that only e-resources staff can update and change. You do NOT need to send troubleshooting alerts about these records.
- If the record is one that you want to publish (i.e. make viewable by the public), ensure that the "Publish" checkbox is ticked. (Un-tick the checkbox if you would like to hide the page.)
- Click on the blue "Update" button.
- A green bar at the top will appear, with an option to Preview the page.
- Click on "Preview Full Display". This will open up a full display menu for the resource.
- Click on "Connect to Resource" to ensure that the Access URL is correct.
- If there is a problem with the Access URL, return to the admin page for the record, and report the problem to e-resources staff, using the "Contact e-resources" mail link on the top left.
All indexes and databases that pertain to a specific subject or disciplinary range (rather than being very general, like EBSCO Academic Search Complete) must have an owner.
Some resource pages may show up on the orphan list even though there are designated owners in the Cold Fusion database because the data migration from Cold Fusion to the Resource Pages Application isn't perfect.
When you have completed the steps above for each resource page you own, proceed with the following:
- Return to the Resource Pages Application admin homepage.
- Click on the red "No Owner" list under the "Import Cleanup" section.
- Refer to the left hand column, which indicates active pages without an owner.
- Adopt any that are currently orphaned that fall into your subject areas.
- To adopt a page, click on the title.
- Select your name from the "Owner" drop down menu.
- Then follow the steps listed in PART 1 above to ensure that your newly adopted page is ready for publication.
Pls. note that pages that remain orphaned at the end of the transition period will be considered for deletion by the e-resources unit.
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