Library:Resource Pages Application Explanatory Table

From UBC Wiki
Field Field Definition Required / optional Public / hidden Usage notes Permission Level Controlled vocabulary menu options Browsable? Searchable?
Access Instructions Special information the user requires to connect to the resource Optional Public This includes restrictions other than the standard of: "open only to UBC students, faculty, staff, and onsite Library users" (which is automatically added to all resources unless designated open access); includes details such as browser restrictions. Can include links and other formatting (uses WYSIWYG editor). N N
Access URL The link used to gain access to the resource Required Public EZproxy is prepended for commercial sources. eR only N N
Alternate Title Previous title or common variant on resource title Optional Public (full display only) Use for title changes or titles "also known as". DO NOT use for common misspellings; use Common Misspellings field. DO NOT use for platform (e.g. EBSCO); use Interface field instead. N Y
Alternate URL For cases when a second access URL is required Optional Public (full display only) Used only for rare exceptions, for instance, with Globe & Mail, which has separate URLs for off-campus and campus access. Alternate URL has to be manually entered by eR staff. eR only N N
Branch Listing Optional Hidden Y (on admin end) N
Brief Description Succinct, general write up about resource and its contents, limited to 220 characters Required Public (brief display only) MAY NOT exceed 220 character limit (2 - 3 lines of text) N Y
Canadian (checkbox) Denotes exclusively Canadian content Optional Public Use for exclusively Canadian content, since so many of our resources offer partial Canadian content. N Y
Common Misspellings and Alternate Spellings Not displayed, but helpful for searching Optional Hidden Example: "PsychINFO" is a frequent misspelling of PsycINFO. This field is keyword searchable rather than phrase searchable, so there is no need to separate with commas, semi-colons, etc. N Y
Concurrent Users For cases where a maximum user limit applies Optional Public Simple enter the number of concurrent users allowed. N N
Consortium Name of collective or "buying club" through which the resource is acquired Optional Hidden Controlled vocabulary maintained by eR examples: eHLbc, ELN, COPPUL, CRKN, CRL, NELLCO N Y
Date Coverage Time period referred to by resource and its contents e.g. journal indexing coverage dates Optional Public (full display only) Example: 1949 - present. DO NOT confuse with update frequency (quarterly, monthly, daily) of the resource. Include update frequency in Full Description. N N
EZproxy (checkbox) Indicates if the EZproxy prefix should be used with the Access URL Required Hidden If checked, EZproxy prefix is prepended. Default is set to checked. eR only N N
Formats Special medium or form of resource contents Optional Public (full display only) The assumed format provisioned by a database is "articles" - this is for indicating more specialized formats. The controlled vocabulary is maintained by e-Resources. Guideline: If a format has broad, multidisciplinary application, but is specialized enough not to generate an overwhelming number of results, then it has been included in the Formats listing. Audio E-Books Gov Docs Images Maps Newspapers Primary Sources Statistics & Data Theses & Dissertations Video N Y
Full Description Longer, more detailed write up about the resource and its contents Required (but optional during transition) Public (full display only) Use this field for further elaboration about the resource and details such as equivalent print coverage, update frequency and links to other online descriptions. Can include links and other formatting (uses WYSIWYG editor). N Y
Full Text Indicates whether or to what degree full text is available in the resource itself Required Public Useful as an indication to user of level of convenience in getting to the full text content. Although we're saying full TEXT, we mean the full item itself (whether photo, video, etc.). Y N Partial N N
Funding Notes Acknowledgment of external (i.e. non-UBC Library) funding source for a resource Optional Public (full display only) Gives credit to those who help fund a resource. N N
Help Further information to guide the user in using the resource Optional Public (full display only) Can include links and other formatting (uses WYSIWYG editor). N N
Interface Name of the system/infrastructure that contains and organizes resource contents Optional Hidden Controlled vocabulary maintained by eR examples: OvidSP, EBSCOhost N Y
Mobile Access Instructions Information the user may require to connect to the resource on mobile device Optional Public (full display only) Can include links and other formatting (uses WYSIWYG editor). N N
Mobile URL The unique link used to locate the resource on a mobile device, if provided Optional Public (full display only) eR only N N
Open Access (checkbox) Designates freely-available resource Optional Public N Y
Owner Subject librarian responsible for creation and maintenance of resource page Required Public (full display only) Note: a required field b/c eResources unit needs to be able to contact appropriate librarian for questions re: updates, etc. Additionally, a link to the mail page in the Employee Directory for the librarian (e.g. will be displayed after the "Help" content. Based on directory Y (on admin end) N
Permitted Use URL URL Licenses Database page with the license information for this resource Required Public This URL is used to bring in permitted use information to the application. eR only N N
Public Display/Publish (checkbox) Indicates if librarian has requested public display / eR has approved this resource to be displayed to the public. If checked, resource page will be displayed to the public. Optional Hidden eR only N N
Subjects Required (but optional during transition) Public (full display only) Controlled vocabulary, with list controlled by LTK administrators. Note: There is an automatic suggestion that users also try searching General databases when browsing more subject-specific databases. Y Y
Title What the resource is commonly called Required Public Use for the official, published version of the title. For a title that isn't official, but is common (e.g. aka), use the Alternate Title field. DO NOT include platform name, unless disambiguating databases with same name available on multiple platforms e.g. Medline (OvidSP), Medline (EBSCO). Y Y
Trial (checkbox) Designates this as a trial resource Optional Public Trial considered "new" if resource page has been activated within last 60 days. Y N

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