Library:Refworks RefShare

From UBC Wiki

Share Citations / RefShare

Sharing Citations Using RefShare

RefShare is a module of RefWorks that allows users to share citations, folders, and databases with members of the UBC community, and globally with any researcher having Internet access.

Please note that attachments are not viewable through RefShare for purposes of copyright compliance.

Sharing Citations Using RefWorks

If you choose not to use RefShare to share folders, RefWorks also has other options for sharing your citations. See the Sharing References without RefShare section of RefWorks Help (found under Sharing Your References) for more information.

Collaborating with Researchers at Other Institutions Using RefWorks

Important Notice:

If you intend to make use of RefWorks in collaboration with researchers at institutions other than The University of British Columbia, it is required that such researchers:

  1. are members of an institution that has a RefWorks licence, AND
  2. are working on a collaborative research project with you, a researcher at The University of British Columbia.

Researchers at UBC are prohibited from sharing their UBC RefWorks account information with anyone who does not meet the criteria set forth in 1 and 2 above.

To share your UBC RefWorks account information as noted above, you will need to provide your RefWorks Log-in Name and Password as well as the UBC Group Code to the non-UBC researchers with whom you are collaborating.